It is common and natural to feel apprehension when first considering acupuncture treatment - after all, we are going to stick you with needles! What you may not be aware of is that those needles are incredibly thin and if you feel any discomfort at all it will feel like a slight pinch and only for a second or two. Once the needles are placed a sense of calm and relaxation occurs, allowing the mind and body to heal. This is not a treatment that requires many sessions to begin to feel an improvement - we expect relief within 1-3 treatments and reassess with the goal of maintenance at that point. Maintenance is different for each individual. One person may need to come in a few weeks, another may not need to come back for several months and some may never need treatment again for the same condition, but they often come in for balance. Balance occurs following treatment and is when you feel like your best possible self. Your sleep is good, you're happy, you are handling stress and you have more energy overall.