Acupuncture 101
The Theory of Chinese Medicine can be extremely complex and originated thousands of years ago through meticulous observation of nature, the cosmos, and the human body. There are many concepts and principles utilized in this amazing medical practice.
Yin and Yang Theory - Introduction to the aspects of Yin Yang, Vital Substances - Jing, Qi, Blood, and shen, The Jing Luo - Pathways Qi and the Vital Substances function through, The Internal Organs (Zang Fu)- Zang (Yin) and Fu (Yang) organs in TCM and the major organ relationships, The Causes of Illness - Six evils (Wind, Cold, Damp, Heat, Summer Heat, and Dryness), Seven emotions (Anger, Fear, Fright, Grief, Joy, Worry and Pensiveness), - Additional causes of illness, Five Elements Theory - The Five Elements and there relationships
TCM Basics
Chinese medicine is one of the oldest forms of medicine still practised today.
Yin and Yang is the basic principle in TCM
Qi is the life force that runs the body and heals the body.
There are 71 pathways that run through our body.
There are 6 yin and 6 yang organs.
Five Element Theory shows how everything is connected.
Diagnosis / Treatment
There are two main categories of causation of disease...
There are many different types of acupuncture...
There are roughly 13,000 medicinals used in China and recorded in the ancient literature
Cupping is one of the best treatments for childhood asthma.
Moxibustion is the strongest form of treament in TCM.